it is a special day
for ''Personal Style Stories by Jenny M.''!!!
it is a special day
for ''Personal Style Stories by Jenny M.''!!!

I feel so happy! Today, one of my blog-friends, Claire D.T., who owns the blog ''Notebook of Claire'', awarded to my blog ''Personal Style Stories by Jenny M.'' those cute awards!!!
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They're my first since I had created my blog and I could never imagine that I could get not one, but two awards!!!
Claire D.T. thanks so much!!! You were always supporting me and my blog from the first time I created ''Personal Style Stories by Jenny M.'' and I always believed that your ''Notebook'' was one of the most friendly & interesting blogs I've ever seen! ''Keep walking'' my friend!!! :-)
Αααα σ'ευχαριστώ πάρα μα πάρα πολύ για τα όμορφα σου λόγια!! Τα άξιζες τα βραβεία γιατί έχεις ένα ξεχωριστό και όμορφο blog!! Εύχομαι να συνεχίσεις να μας συναρπάζεις με τις υπέροχες δημοσιεύσεις σου!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΦιλάκια <3